Attention: IACUC Chair

Biology Department

Dr. Taegan McMahon

Box U

401 W. Kennedy Blvd.

Tampa, FL 33606

*Please note if you are submitting this as an "Emergency Submission," i.e. not during the normal cycle. Please send an email to to explain why the proposal needs to be reviewed out of cycle and when the proposal needs to be reviewd by.

  Please use this form to make an amendment to a previously approved IACUC. Please note, this form is not for a completely new project or research experiment, instead it is for a change to an already approved protocol.

Use this form to submit a research proposal to the IRB. Before submitting, each principal investigator needs to have completed CITI training (a copy of the certificate will be uploaded as part of the proposal process).

After receiving the proposal, the committee will decide if it meets the guidelines set out by the Department of Health and Human Services for ethical treatment of human subjects. We hope to provide feedback on each proposal within two weeks of its receipt, but that time may vary based on the volume of proposals received in the timeframe.

More information can be found at 

If you need to update an already approved project in any manner, please use this form. Updates must be limited in scope (e.g., adding a research assistant, modifying the wording of a questionnaire item, or widening your sample). Changes that are larger than that will need to submitted as a new proposal. 

Many courses include a class project that your students will conduct that involves interaction with humans. These projects allow your students to experience data collection on their own. Some of these class projects may involve IRB approval, but many will not. This form allows you to inform the IRB about projects  that do not require the IRB's committee's oversight of the individual projects. Do not use this form if you as a researcher are conducting research into a pedagogical technique; you will probably need to fill out the exempt research form for that. Use this form only if you are assigning an assignment to your students for them to do their own research, and you need to alert the IRB of that fact.

You only need to submit one form per course assignment. If there are multiple projects being done by different student groups under this same assignment, either describe them more generically (see the example provided on the form), or you may describe the individual projects if that seems more convenient to you. There is a question on the form to indicate how many total projects are being done within the class.

More information about the classroom project policy can be found here:

Use this form when inquiring about the need for IRB approval for a project, such as for a RISE grant or a sabbatical. Provide as much information as you can.

Research Compliance